
The Euskalingua you see here is a magazine published on the initiative of Mendebalde Kultura Alkartea. Since its objective is to collect, study and circulate linguistic patrimony, our wish is to publish a scientific magazine which will bring together different areas of language research. Euskalingua intends to enable work to be carried out in the three areas of knowledge:

  1. by way of additions, linguistic patrimony, oral literature, terminology, corpuses;
  2. in the area of research, linguistics, linguistic anthropology, and thesociology of language;
  3. in the area of application, we wish to report on practical applications of the Basque language, language and technology, language planning, applied linguistics, and the translation and teaching sector.

To sum up, Euskalingua wishes to provide an area for all language experts by creating a forum for exchange of the ideas and opinions of researchers intheir various areas and encouraging interdisciplinarity. Since we often work in different areas of knowledge we receive no news from each other, and this has the effect of reducing our research or experiences. Euskalingua will give us the chance to read articles from a range of disciplines, with the Basque language as the main topic.

Read all the presentation here.

Editor: Maribi Unamuno
Deputy Editor: Lorea Unamuno

ISSN: 1695-7458
Legal deposit: BI-2369-02
Technical modelling: Jon Sanchez, Aholab Group

List of published English-language Euskalinguas

Euskalingua 9

Euskalingua 9

Research project - “Socio-geolinguistic atlas of the Basque language”, Increases in curriculum contents, from 2000 to the present day", Design and recording of a corpus-based synthesis emotions database in ...
Euskalingua 10

Euskalingua 10

The focus of the information or galdegaia in introductory sentences (I), Territory in 20th and 21st century textbooks in the Basque Country, Detecting voice pitch in adverse conditions
Euskalingua 11

Euskalingua 11

Euskalingua 11 presents six articles, of which three, by Ibon Coterón, Mitxel Kaltzakorta and Iñaki Gaminde, are continuations.
Euskalingua 12

Euskalingua 12

Physicians in Basque Literature, The focus of the information or galdegaia in whole texts (I), Sociolinguistic variation in Dima Basque
Euskalingua 13

Euskalingua 13

Igorre accent, The focus of the information or galdegaia in whole texts (and II), Subjective evaluation of an emotional speech database for Basque
Euskalingua 14

Euskalingua 14

Acoustic correlates of the accent in Gatika lexicon, Software application to convert Basque texts from the Web to speech